
Chestnut production in RN should triple by 2030

Rio Grande do Norte, which today ranks as the third largest producer, behind Ceará and Pia, may resume the national cashew production process, as it did for chestnuts, until mid-2010. Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Gustavo Saavedra, the State should triple its productivity in the next eight years, jumping from 17 thousand tons to 50 thousand tons of research per year, which will represent about R$ 300 million.

Currently, cashew generates around R$ 100 million, according to Sebrae’s culture.

The researcher’s estimate was presented at the Seminar of the Audience Amâncio Ramalho, at the Federal Rural University of Cajucultura (USA). The event was part of Expofruit’s scientific program. The “potiguar cashew crop”, as Saavedra classified it, should come from orchards in October 2022, when they will be launched and inserted in mountainous regions of the state, like two clones from Serra de Santana, dwarfs developed by Serra de Santana Embrapa.

Adapted to the climatic conditions of the region through genetic improvement, the clones have, as their main characteristic, a high productivity. Gustavo Saavedra warns, however, that the arrival of new cashew clones alone will not be able to leverage production. Investing in the management and genetic improvement that is crucial for the productivity of tripled cashew nut in Rio Grande do Norte, also associated with cultivation in traditional areas, such as in the municipalities of Severiano Melo and Serra do Mel, in the West region.

“Triplicating production is a very realistic goal. Clone 1 and clone 2, as they are being called very well, by decisions and performance tests in the mountains, with much higher productivity. This brings new perspectives for cashew farming in the state, from the moment it is available, also excellent genetic improvement and excellent management, the best configuration for the best increase in production”, available.

Currently, a cashew crop generates around R$ 100 million. “Today, we have a production of 7 thousand tons, about 320 kilos per hectare/year, which is very low. If we don’t think of a daring goal, such as tripling productivity, the State runs the risk of leaving this market”, says Gustavo Saavedra. He explains that management technologies to triple production exist and that, therefore, a goal is achievable.

“The idea is that this work will become even more intense in the coming years, with the support of extension, credits, and management of municipal companies, to revitalize cashew culture”, he says.

In line with the prospects for the production chain in the State, Sebrae-RN will develop, in the coming years of new views, with partners, a series of new measures to strengthen the sector. The focus is on adding value to products by small agro-industries and small agro-industries.

Sebrae worked exclusively in fruit growing, with support for technology, innovation, introduction of clones, guidance for grafting, and began the work of geographical identification of the Serra do Mel chestnut, in order to cover all regions of the State.

Font: http://www.tribunadonorte.com.br/noticia/produa-a-o-de-castanha-no-rn-deve-triplicar-ata-2030/526330

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Consumption of organic food grows during the pandemic

Brazil was one of the countries where organic consumption grew amid the health crisis

Those who spent the last two years working remotely experienced a series of transformations, and one of them was in terms of food. If before lunch was fast food eaten in 15 minutes, the domestic space has brought another rhythm, with more food awareness and concern with the quality of nutrition.

That’s where organics come in, which had a boom in the pandemic period. Learn more about it and understand if this trend will continue.

Increase in consumption of organic food

A study by Ecovia Intelligence pointed to an increase of up to 40% in organic consumption during the pandemic in several places around the world. Apparently, covid-19 reinforced the maxim that “eating well is the best medicine”.

This may have been potentiated because the coronavirus took the world by surprise. Although the vaccine was developed in a record period, it arrived late for hundreds of thousands of people, so food was the bet of many: for a long period, self-care was the only form of prevention.

A survey prepared by the Organic Promotion Association (Organis) and the Brain consultancy reinforces the conclusion. One out of every four people believes that organic products have better quality, and 13% of respondents believe that the lower use of chemical pesticides is enough to encourage a change in habits. According to the survey, the most consumed organic items are vegetables (75%), grains and cereals (22%).

Not only has the consumption of organic products grown, but their logistics have changed during the pandemic. With the need to receive food at home, the production chain was shortened through instruments such as Pertim, which organizes the distribution of items in Greater São Paulo.

Ambiguity in organic growth

There seems to be no doubt about the preference for organic and the benefits of agroecological cultivation, but not all people can be part of this movement. While one sector takes advantage of the pandemic to improve the quality of food, another stratum disputes bone remains in huge queues. The deepening of social inequality explains the phenomenon.
According to Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), more than 26 million Brazilians fell into the poverty line during the pandemic. Inflation and unemployment are part of the scenario aggravated by covid-19, especially after the end of Emergency Aid.

Brazil’s return to the Hunger Map in 2021 also attests to the problem. This United Nations instrument ceased to be used in 2014, but experts in the area still apply its indicators, as they believe that they include more dense elements in the assessment, such as age and gender of the population.

This picture composes an ambiguous arrangement: more people take care of the quality of food while others struggle to survive.

Font: https://summitagro.estadao.com.br/noticias-do-campo/consumo-de-alimentos-organicos-cresce-durante-a-pandemia/

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